Oubaitori: a concept embraced by Floristry Art of Living

Florist Emily Wong - Floristry by Art of Living

Let’s delve into the beautiful concept of Oubaitori, inspired by flowers and embraced by the founder of Floristry Art of Living, Emily Wong.

Oubaitori: Celebrating Uniqueness in Bloom

Oubaitori (pronounced “oh-buy-toe-ree”) is a Japanese philosophical concept that draws wisdom from the natural world, particularly the blossoming of four trees: Cherry, Plum, Peach, and Apricot. Each of these trees blooms in spring, creating a magnificent tapestry of colors across the Japanese landscape—shades of pink, mauve, blush, and white.

But what makes Oubaitori truly special is its deeper meaning. Let’s break it down:

  1. The Flowers: The Japanese characters for Oubaitori spell out “桜梅桃李,” representing cherry, apricot, peach, and plum. These trees grow close together, yet each blooms in its own order, shape, and time. Their unique flowers contribute to the landscape’s beauty, and each tree brings something distinct.

  2. Non-Comparison: Oubaitori embodies the notion of non-comparison. Just as these trees produce beautiful flowers that mature into juicy fruits, each flower follows its rhythm. No two are alike. The concept extends to people: we, too, follow a once-in-a-lifetime journey. Comparing ourselves to others becomes irrelevant because our growth, colors, and aromas are unique.

  3. Embracing Uniqueness: Like flowers, people develop differently. We have diverse skills, passions, paths, and goals. Oubaitori encourages us to celebrate what makes us special. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we focus on our individual growth and value our distinctiveness.

Benefits of Practicing Oubaitori

  1. Escape Toxic Comparisons: Comparison steals our joy. When we compare ourselves to others, we see only part of their journey. Biased images and idealized standards lead to self-judgment. Oubaitori frees us from this loop, allowing us to appreciate our own journey.

  2. Security and Happiness: By embracing Oubaitori, we feel more secure and happier. We recognize that everyone’s path is unique, and that’s okay. Our confidence grows as we honor our individuality.

Just as flowers bloom in their own time, so do we. Let’s celebrate our uniqueness and find joy in our once-in-a-lifetime journey.


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